Wednesday, 23 July 2014

The Wolf Among Us

I have neglected my blog with some regret over the past few months, having completed university and moved back home. But I have some news - I finally did it! 'The Wolf Among Us' is by no means perfect and I would have loved a few extra hours here and there to polish it off, yet I am overwhelmed at the support it has received. I met my main aim by altering the false perceptions of those watching. As a result of this I managed to achieve an overall 2:1 degree in BA (Hons) wildlife and media. I am very proud of myself for sticking it out and I am leaving with some exciting prospects ahead!

Big news out of the way I invite you to watch my film if you have not done so already. The idea is to educate the audience of the issues surrounding the reintroduction of wolves. See for yourself that the 'big bad wolf' is just a fairytale! 

Click here to watch!

My film highlights our need to bring education to the public in order for feared species such as the wolf to find their natural place back in Scotland. Apex predators like the wolf can restore balance, encouraging deer to move across the land rather than overgrazing, thus breathing life back into what little remains of the Caledonian forests.

There are many people to thank; words cannot express my gratitude to all those who helped and supported me during this experience! In reflection my three years at the University of Cumbria, although a little stressful, were so beneficial to my future. The final film set me up to aim high, develop my new skills and to work ever harder to make it a career as well as a passion. 

Moving forward from this, I plan to buy a Mac for editing and try my hand at more short films, perhaps for competitions and organisations as well as my own show reel. I have been gathering footage since leaving and have plans to travel.  Until I am able to produce film, I am keen to involve photography and also to delve into conservation projects, with this blog acting as my platform to do so.

I wish to share my wildlife experiences with you as I find them, along side any ideas I have. This will mostly cover local sites, some of which have already provided me with some fantastic material, including some footage of the heron pictured and some macro shots from the stunning meadow near my home. I hope to put these together for you very soon so check back if you are interested!

If there is anything you would like to ask me please feel free to drop me an E-mail at  - Emily